Welcome to Fife Coast & Countryside Trust

The Fife Coast and Countryside Trust is an independent charity working with partners for a healthy environment that supports wellbeing and sustains the balance between people and nature.

Spread across more than 70 sites, FCCT maintains the Fife Coastal Path, Fife Pilgrim Way, the Lomond Hills Regional Park, local nature reserves, and award-winning beaches. The organisation has its headquarters at Harbourmaster’s House in Dysart where it manages a coastal visitor centre.

Mission Statement 

Connecting Environment and People 


We lead in the care of Fife’s outdoors. Working together with you, we create a healthier environment that supports wellbeing and sustains the balance between people and the natural world.


We rely on the support and generosity of the public to fund our vital project work which helps to conserve and enhance Fife’s great outdoors.

Latest News

Monday, March 17 Mar 2025

Thousands of Trees Planted in Local Climate Action

Fife Climate Forest is firmly laying down roots thanks to community tree planting made possible..


FCCT offer a range of events, activities, conservation activities, guided walks and family friendly events to encourage the younger generation to develop a love of the environment.


We’ve got you covered

This section includes an extensive range of downloadable resources, including themed walks
and information leaflets, which are sure to enhance any visit to Fife.
