Fife Pilgrim Way
The Fife Pilgrim Way follows a medieval pilgrim trail across Fife. Modern day walkers can enjoy this 64 mile route, starting at North Queensferry and Culross and finishing in St Andrews.
ExploreThe Fife Coast and Countryside Trust is an independent charity working with partners for a healthy environment that supports wellbeing and sustains the balance between people and nature.
Spread across more than 70 sites, FCCT maintains the Fife Coastal Path, Fife Pilgrim Way, the Lomond Hills Regional Park, local nature reserves, and award-winning beaches. The organisation has its headquarters at Harbourmasterâs House in Dysart where it manages a coastal visitor centre.
Mission StatementÂ
Connecting Environment and PeopleÂ
We lead in the care of Fifeâs outdoors. Working together with you, we create a healthier environment that supports wellbeing and sustains the balance between people and the natural world.
Wednesday, January 29 Jan 2025
Fife Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT) have once again been recognised for their high standard..
FCCT offer a range of events, activities, conservation activities, guided walks and family friendly events to encourage the younger generation to develop a love of the environment.
This section includes an extensive range of downloadable resources, including themed walks
and information leaflets, which are sure to enhance any visit to Fife.
World Gaelic Week - Seachdain na GĂ idhlig - is just around the corner. The theme is `Building Connections` and a range of events, mostly free, is happening across Fife. It`s not just for Gaelic speakers, as those without the language can get involved too. Please see the posters below.
To book, please go to Eventbrite and search for the event named, or contact the host venue. You can also find events on the World Gaelic Week What`s On guide: https://seachdainnagaidhlig.scot/whats-on/
#worldgaelicweek #gaelic #scotsgaelic #seachdainnagĂ idhlig #fife #loveFife Fife Council #buildingconnections #connecting #environment
Join our outdoors team. Head over to our vacancies page to find out about seasonal and temporary vacancies. Just point your smartphone camera at the QR code in the image below, or visit our web page:
#hiring #jobsinfife #fifejobs #outdoorsjobs #workwithus #joinourteam #ambition #teamwork #vacancies #seasonaljobs #jobsinscotland
We`re hiring! Head over to our vacancies page to find out about seasonal and temporary vacancies. Just point your smartphone camera at the QR code in the image, or head over to our web page:
#hiring #jobsinfife #fifejobs #outdoorsjobs #workwithus #joinourteam #ambition #teamwork #vacancies #seasonaljobs #jobsinscotland @fifecounciljobs
What about these amazing photos from our Conservation Officer, CristĂn, of an otter on the Fife Pilgrim Way! And look at those bubbles in the water. As it`s a European protected species we won`t reveal where it was spotted. Happily, the otter population is flourishing in Scotland and there are thought to be around 8000 otters [NatureScot].
#otters #photooftheday #aquaticmammals #fishing #protected #FifePilgrimWay #riverrestoration #scottishlochs #otter
One of the participants brought along a special gift to our latest Winter Wellness Session at Homelands. A homemade fire starter for the campfire made from a fallen pine cone at Homelands from the recent storm. It took a great deal of effort, but the end result was rather beautiful, so nice in fact that it didn`t seem right to burn it! But burn it we did, it was very effective. Once the fire was hot enough, we cooked potatoes wrapped in foil on it. Coupled with a hot drink from the Kelly Kettle - started using fire steels - the group felt a real sense of achievement.
It`s #NationalStorytellingWeek so we took that as our theme. One person took the time to write a beautiful poem to share with the group. Time was spent learning about local birds through their calls with a mini-quiz, and the second half of the session focused on knot tying. Initial frustrations gave way to smiles after time spent practicing.
Next time...bird boxes!
#poetry #reflection #wellness #wintersunshine #firesteels #knottying #wellness #winter2025 #outdoors #outdoorseducation #outdoorlearning #LundinLinks