I finished my previous blog by suggesting that if we want to be able to enjoy our natural world for the foreseeable, we must act.
Here is a simple list of things we can all do to make the change: to put our symbiotic relationship back on a more even keel. This is according to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme).
1. Spread the word β Raise awareness of the current state of the climate with those around you. By getting more people talking about the climate crisis, more people are likely to want to make a difference.
2. Switch up your transport β Walk or cycle more to and from work or for local journeys when you can. According to UNEP, the transport sector accounts for around a quarter of all greenhouse gases. If the distance is too far, think about using public transport more and use your car less.
3. Reduce power use β Switch off appliances when they are not in use, turn off lights when you leave the room. This stuff not only makes sense, but it will also save you money in the long run too!
4. Shop local β By shopping local not only are you reducing your overall carbon footprint because your food has travelled significantly less, but you are also boosting your local economy and supporting local small businesses and farms.
5. Reduce food waste β Get better at portion control and make a meal plan. According to UNEP food waste index report from 2021, people globally waste close to 1 billion tonnes of food every year.
6. Dress smart β The fashion industry accounts for 8-10% of the worldβs carbon emissions which is more than international flights and shipping combined. This is according to UNEP. Buy fewer new clothes and make them last longer. Shop for pre-loved clothes and recycle them when you are finished with them. Make use of popular apps or your local charity shops. Look to rent outfits from one of the many online providers in the UK for special occasions rather than buying new items that only get worn once.
7. Plant trees β To counter the global loss of forests, plant trees in your local area. FCCT have a dedicated tree team. Read about becoming a Fife Tree Warden and about Fife Climate Forest. Or to join something further afield, check out Plant-For-The-Planet.
To end on a more positive note, the change has already begun. Since 2016 the Trillion Tree Campaign has planted 23 billion trees in 190 countries worldwide. A total of 83% of new electricity capacity came from renewable energy sources in 2022, (International Energy Agency). We are making that change, but much more is required to halt climate change.
Here in Fife, we are so lucky that there are countless places for us to get off the beaten track and truly take it all in. By understanding and fully appreciating what we have around us, we develop a renewed connection to nature, and as a result we are much more likely to protect it for the future.