World Kindness Day 2024

Publish Date: Wednesday November 13, 2024

World Kindness Day 2024

Why not get involved with a random act of kindness for this years “World Kindness Day” Leave some spare change on the car park machine for the next person, buy a random person a coffee on your next visit to the coffee shop, or volunteer you time to do something worthwhile. If you can’t find anyone kind, be the change you want to see. By being kind, not only will you improve the lives of others with your actions, but you will also enrich your own wellbeing.

Undertaking random acts of kindness boost the “feel-good” hormones, dopamine and serotonin, activating the pleasure and reward areas of both givers and receivers of kindness. Acts of kindness also release endorphins, which are the body’s natural “painkillers.” By being kind to others, and generating a good feeling for yourself and others, helps you to feel connected too which can have a positive impact on those of us who find themselves lonely from time to time.

There are many activities you can try your hand at that involve immersing yourself in the great outdoors. Why not try build something for wildlife kindness awareness this year such as a solitary bee box, bug hotel or bird box. For suggestions from The National Trust & RSPB on how to make solitary bee boxes, see here, for bird boxes here or bug hotels here.

Another way to celebrate this year’s world kindness day is to be kind to yourself and head outside for a walk near you. Take some time to be in the present and seek out your nearest woods or beach for a walk. In a world where we are often “too busy,” why don’t you incorporate this into your lunch break at work? The 5 ways to wellbeing framework forms the backbone of many of the projects we undertake at FCCT such as Branching Out. To find out more about the positive impacts of this framework, read more about the Branching Out programme here.


Are you a competitive person? Why not set yourself a challenge this year with your family, friends or work colleagues and champion an “Eco Kindness Week.” During this awareness week, really challenge you and those around you to make a positive change for the environment. Set up a carpooling rota at work for those who live near each other, suggest an outdoor walk with friends and family to finish at a coffee shop where you all bring your own re-usable cups. Several cafes offer a small discount if you bring your own cup as an added bonus!




Why don’t you join your community for a group litter pick near where you live? Start a fundraising event for a cause you believe in, Or, how about volunteer to help out at your local Soup Kitchen or Community Café? For more information on how you can get involved volunteering for FCCT, see here; Fife Tree Warden Scheme – Fife Coast & Countryside Trust (

As we approach the festive time of year, (Christmas is just over six weeks away at the time of writing) why not try to persuade your nearest and dearest to go for sustainable gifts for 2024? Things such as chutneys, jams or cordials, wooden spoons or second-hand clothes from one of the many apps that offer this. Thinking outside the box from the normal way you go about Christmas offers an alternative to the normal way of doing things, and this switch up can be very refreshing and help boost the feel-good hormones mentioned earlier such as dopamine and serotonin. Another hack at Christmas is to make sure to save your wrapping paper and re-use it next year, allowing you to recycle something that normally goes in the bin, save a few quid and help to protect the environment.

All these suggestions to help improve the environment by setting yourself goals and mini challenges is fun, especially if it becomes competitive! Trying new things and breaking out of your comfort zone can help you feel good about yourself or the actions you are taking, as well as make you feel closer to other people. If these changes are well received, they will create positive memories which make you feel good. Why don’t you use this years World Kindness Day as the excuse you always wanted to try and do something a bit different? You never know, you might really enjoy it!

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