Under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), anyone has the right to ask Fife Coast and Countryside Trust for information that is held by them.
There are a few exceptions that may require us to withhold some of the information that has been requested. These include information that may be personal or commercially sensitive.
How do I make a request?
All requests require to be provided in a recorded format, i.e. letter, e-mail etc. You can use the online/attached form to request access to information.
Freedom of Information Form (Word format)
FCCT – Freedom of Information Request Form
You should provide the following information to allow FCCT to deal with your request effectively.
- Your name (not needed if you’re asking for environmental information*)
- A contact postal or email address
- A detailed description of the information you want – for example, you might want all information held on a subject, or just a summary
*You can ask for environmental information in writing, in person or by phone.
Alternatively, you can post** your request to the following address:
Freedom of Information Request
The Harbourmaster’s House
Hot Pot Wynd
**In Scotland, you should allow 6 extra days if you send your request by post.
Or email:
All requests will be logged and acknowledged within 2 days. A response will be made to the applicant within 20 working days and a copy of the response will be held for 6 months.