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Avian Flu found at Birnie and Gaddon Lochs, please abide by on-site signs
Fife Coastal Path diversions at Tentsmuir. Please follow signs
Craigmead toilets water supply: accessible toilet available to all, key hanging by door
Eden Estuary Centre remains closed for refurbishment
Diversion on Fife Pilgrim Way at Blairadam Forest. Please follow signs
Steps from Sandhills caravan park to Pettycur Bay being refurbished. Please avoid
Newark Castle (ruin)
Newark Castle is a 13th century ruin where King Alexander III spent part of his childhood. The remains we can see now date from the 17th century when the building was owned by the Sandilands family.
@FCCT Trust
A privilege for us to have project managed this on behalf of @FifeCouncil with funding from @ScottishEPA Water Environment Fund and with construction partners.