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Fife Pilgrim Way section at Blairadam Forest closed due to windblown trees
Avian Flu has been found at Birnie and Gaddon Lochs, please abide by information on signage on site
Fife Coastal Path diversions at Tentsmuir. Please abide by signage.
Craigmead toilets water issue: accessible toilet available to all, key hanging by door
The Eden Estuary Centre is closed due to an act of vandalism
Fife Coastal Path diversion at Earlshall Muir from Mon 10th Feb. Please follow signs.
Pittenweem West Braes Car Park closed 24 Feb to 6 March for resurfacing
St David’s Harbour
Originally built to transport coal from the nearby mines of West Fife around Scotland and beyond and now home to an exclusive housing development. Common seals can still be seen basking on the rocks.
@FCCT Trust
A privilege for us to have project managed this on behalf of @FifeCouncil with funding from @ScottishEPA Water Environment Fund and with construction partners.