Trust Welcomes Dignitaries

Publish Date: Tuesday March 3, 2020

Trust Welcomes Dignitaries

Fife Coast and Countryside Trust recently welcomed The Right Honourable Gordon Brown and Provost Jim Leishman to Harbourmaster’s House, Dysart.

The visit was organised to share recent progress at the Trust, with Mr Brown and Mr Leishman who have been keen supporters of the work of the Trust for many years.

They were welcomed to Harbourmaster’s House by Chair of the Board of Directors Mr Stephen Carter OBE. There followed an update from Trust’s CEO Jeremy Harris and presentations from Heads of Department, who shared information on current projects, future plans and goals, as well as some of the challenges facing the Trust.

Both guests took the opportunity to speak to the staff and were quick to offer their support for the organisation going forward.

Jeremy Harris, CEO commented, ‘We were honoured to receive such distinguished guests at our headquarters in Dysart. These gentlemen are Fifers through and through who promote the Kingdom locally, nationally, and internationally. Their recognition of the value of the Trust’s work to bring Fife’s exceptional outdoors to locals and visitors alike means a great deal to me and to the team at the Trust and is a great encouragement.’

As part of the event Bill Taylor, a long-standing support of the Trust and former Director on the Board was presented with a gift to recognise his contribution to the Trust over many years.

Gordon Brown, Jim Leishman and FCCT Staff

(L-R) James Dawson, Head of Communities and Engagement, Provost Jim Leishman, Ed Heather- Hayes, Head of Business Development, Bill Taylor, Rt Honourable Gordon Brown, Karen Studley, Head of Business Services, Robbie Blyth, Head of Operations and Jeremy Harris, CEO Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.

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